Please contact your child's teacher for a conference.  A note was sent home in regard to this.
(Mrs. Campbell's times available are:  Wednesday the 2nd from 3-4pm or Monday the 7th from 3-5pm.)
Current Postings:
Parent notification regarding student illness/flu:
The Blount County School System, like most school systems, is seeing increasing numbers of children with flu-like symptoms.  Therefore the purpose of this note is to keep you informed and ask for your assistance in containing this virus and/or other illnesses.
Please keep children home who have a fever, or vomiting and/or exhibit flu-like symptoms.  Simply put, children should be fever-free for 24 hours, without any medication, before they return to school or a related school activity. We need your help and vigilance to keep our students from spreading the virus at school. Moreover, encourage your children to wash their hands before eating and often during the day. They should cover all coughs and let a teacher or staff member know if they are not feeling well.
We are in daily contact with our schools and are monitoring absences across the system. We greatly appreciate your assistance with combating the current trend of illnesses.
Thank you.
Note from Rob Britt on the Blount County Website:    we will plan to have school on February 21 and 22, 2011.  We will then subtract two days at the end of the school year, May 23 and 24, 2011, provided that we do not exceed our allotment of stockpiled inclement weather days.
  • The 4th grade teachers have encouraged us to make sure that current 3rd graders are ready to do multiplication by 4th grade.  Please make sure you are studying these with your child.  Also, make sure and check what level test he or she is on. 
  • Spring  Previous Postings: 
  • Cookie dough will be here on Friday, Nov. 19th.  Please make arrangements to pick it up after 1:00. 
  • Silly bands have been banned school wide.  Please make sure your child leaves them at home. Silly bands will be taken up and not returned. 
  • We are working on multiplication.  Please help your child learn their multiplication tables by quizzing them daily.  If your child learns his/her multiplication tables, math will become so much easier and much less stressful. 
  • Please do not send in sweets, candy, or chips for a snack.  Please send in healthier foods such as fruit, crackers, granola bars, pretzals, etc.
  • Please remind your children about using active listening in class.  This is a big problem, especially toward the end of the week. (Thursday and Friday!)  
  • Please do not let your child bring soda, tea, or any other drink in their water bottles.  We would prefer that the students bring only clear water bottles.  If the students continue to bring soda and other things, we will have to require that only clear bottles be brought.  We have had several occurrences of this.  
  • Make sure that your child is bringing and doing his or her homework each night. The homework should be written in his or her planner which should be signed each night by a parent.  We do tell the children that this is their responsibility.